Take a look at the Mood Ring colors listed below, and what "mood" they represent. The colors are listed according to the change in temperature they represent, with dark blue being the warmest and black the coolest.
Some people have been using the keywords "tampon string broke" to find this site so I thought that I should perhaps do a little research and supply these visitors with some useful information regarding this matter. Upon my initial research, I found an interesting site (with some very nice background music) that I thought I would share. Tampon Man. To quote the author: "This is a web sites "By the Tampon-man, For the Tampon-man, Of the Tampon-man"!". So there you go.
Ok but seriously, here is some real advice: Click Here.
I hope this helps. I am a little disappointed that The Tampon Man could not be of assitance in this matter. I guess he is in Japan, so he is probably busy.
Bach's "St. Matthew Passion" is one of the most highly regarded musical compositions in history. Yet the score disappeared and the work was never played for many years after Bach's death in 1750. In 1829, composer Felix Mendelssohn rediscovered the long-lost manuscript being used as wrapping paper in the estate sale of a deceased cheese salesman. He arranged for a public performance of the piece, and its revival began. In the coming week, Aquarius, I predict you'll have a taste of the amazed and confounded joy Mendelssohn must have experienced. In an unlikely place with seemingly low value, you will find a neglected treasure.
These are the search phrases people are using to find my site. Interesting AND disturbing all at the same time.
I think I'm going to start using these as subjects to write about.
Google: how to remove tampon string broke
Google: ladies night out debauchery
Google: depressing and negative sayings and quotes
Yahoo: pictures of women with facial hair
MSN Search: beaver shaved
Yahoo: "give me a facial"
Use this: MIRROR: It is a symbol of vanity and superficiality. You may be concerned about your image and the way you present yourself to the world. Some say that if you see a clear image, you may be getting a glimpse of your true self. Broken mirrors always seem to be a sign of bad luck, or, at least, represent some distortions. On a deeper level the mirror can be considered to be a representation of the intellect. The intellect is an instrument of navigation and is constantly persuading us to identify ourselves. When we think about this, it makes a lot of sense. Our self-identity is very much connected to the way we look (not only superficially but also characteristically as man - woman, young - old, etc). We use this self-identity, which is greatly a production of our intellect, to navigate through life.
To interpret this:MY DREAM: I had a dream last night that there was a broken mirror in the trunk of a car and this faceless person of authority told me and another faceless female that one of us had to remove the broken mirror from the trunk of the car without using our hands. I used my teeth and grabbed the edge of one shard and all the pieces flew out of the trunk to the ground. Then I felt like I cheated because all of the broken pieces were actually connected to one another.